The UILTuCS was actually born on 5 March 1950 together with the UIL (Italian Union of Labour) as its vertical articulation, under the name UIDAC (Italian Union of Commercial Employees). Its coordination was entrusted to Umberto Pagani, a glorious trade unionist from the first UIL (1918-1925).
The first decision taken was to sign the CCNL 23.10.1950 for employees of commercial companies, which was signed by Confcommercio with the other two trade unions. belonging respectively to the CGIL and the ICFTU.
Always at the side of workers, the category today concludes numerous national contracts and operates with an ethical and human vision, putting the value of work at the centre.
In recent years always active and sensitive to issues related to the world of work, this category looks to the future and with simplicity indicates some prospects for growth and development through initiatives shared with other ‘actors’ in the area in which it operates.